Source code for cloudstorage.helpers

"""Helper methods for Cloud Storage."""

import hashlib
import mimetypes
import os
from io import FileIO
from typing import Iterable, Union

# noinspection PyPackageRequirements
import magic

from cloudstorage.base import FileLike

[docs]def read_in_chunks(file_object: FileIO, block_size: int = 4096) -> Iterable[bytes]: """Return a generator which yields data in chunks. Source: `read-file-in-chunks-ram-usage-read-strings-from-binary-file < read-file-in-chunks-ram-usage-read-strings-from-binary-files>`_ :param file_object: File object to read in chunks. :type file_object: file object :param block_size: (optional) Chunk size. :type block_size: int :yield: The next chunk in file object. :yield type: `bytes` """ for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): yield chunk
[docs]def file_checksum(filename: str, hash_type: str = 'md5', block_size: int = 4096) -> str: """Returns checksum for file. .. code-block:: python from cloudstorage.helpers import file_checksum picture_path = '/path/picture.png' file_checksum(picture_path, hash_type='sha256') # '03ef90ba683795018e541ddfb0ae3e958a359ee70dd4fccc7e747ee29b5df2f8' Source: `get-md5-hash-of-big-files-in-python < questions/1131220/get-md5-hash-of-big-files-in-python>`_ :param filename: File path. :type filename: str :param hash_type: Hash algorithm function name. :type hash_type: str :param block_size: (optional) Chunk size. :type block_size: int :return: Hex digest of file. :rtype: :func:`hash.hexdigest` :raise RuntimeError: If the hash algorithm is not found in :mod:`hashlib`. """ try: m = getattr(hashlib, hash_type)() except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('Invalid or unsupported hash type: %s' % hash_type) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: # for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''): for chunk in read_in_chunks(f, block_size=block_size): m.update(chunk) return m.hexdigest()
[docs]def validate_file_or_path(filename: Union[str, FileLike]) -> Union[str, None]: """Return filename from file path or from file like object. Source: `rackspace/pyrax/ < pyrax/blob/master/pyrax/>`_ :param filename: File path or file like object. :type filename: str or file :return: Filename. :rtype: str :raise FileNotFoundError: If the file path is invalid. """ if isinstance(filename, str): # Make sure it exists if not os.path.exists(filename): raise FileNotFoundError(filename) name = os.path.basename(filename) else: try: name = os.path.basename( except AttributeError: name = None return name
[docs]def file_content_type(filename: Union[str, FileLike]) -> Union[str, None]: """Guess content type for file path or file like object. :param filename: File path or file like object. :type filename: str or file :return: Content type. :rtype: str """ if isinstance(filename, str): if os.path.isfile(filename): content_type = magic.from_file(filename=filename, mime=True) else: content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] else: # BufferedReader name = validate_file_or_path(filename) content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0] return content_type