Source code for cloudstorage.drivers.local

"""Local File System Driver."""
import errno
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List

import filelock
import itsdangerous

from inflection import underscore

from cloudstorage import Blob, Container, Driver, messages
from cloudstorage.exceptions import (
from cloudstorage.helpers import (
from cloudstorage.typed import (

if != 'nt':
    import xattr    # noqa: E402

__all__ = ['LocalDriver']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

IGNORE_FOLDERS = ['.lock', '.hash', '.DS_STORE']

def lock_local_file(path: str) -> filelock.FileLock:
    """Platform dependent file lock.

    :param path: File or directory path to lock.
    :type path: str

    :yield: File lock context manager.
    :yield type: :class:`filelock.FileLock`

    :raise CloudStorageError: If lock could not be acquired.
    lock = filelock.FileLock(path + '.lock')

    except filelock.Timeout:
        raise CloudStorageError('Lock timeout')

    yield lock

    if lock.is_locked:

    if os.path.exists(lock.lock_file):

[docs]class LocalDriver(Driver): """Driver for interacting with local file-system. .. code-block:: python from cloudstorage.drivers.local import LocalDriver path = '/home/user/webapp/storage' storage = LocalDriver(key=path, secret='<my-secret>', salt='<my-salt>') # <Driver: LOCAL> Modified Source: ` < /libcloud/blob/trunk/libcloud/storage/drivers/>`_ :param key: Storage path directory: `/home/user/webapp/storage`. :type key: str :param secret: (optional) Secret key for pre-signed download and upload URLs. :type secret: str or None :param salt: (optional) Salt for namespacing download and upload pre-signed URLs. For more information. see `itsdangerous <>`_. :type salt: str or None :param kwargs: (optional) Extra driver options. :type kwargs: dict :raise NotADirectoryError: If the key storage path is invalid or does not exist. """ name = 'LOCAL' hash_type = 'md5' url = '' def __init__(self, key: str, secret: str = None, salt: str = None, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: super().__init__(key, secret, **kwargs) self.base_path = key self.salt = salt self.is_windows = == 'nt' try: if not os.path.exists(key): os.makedirs(key) except PermissionError as err: raise CredentialsError(str(err)) # Check if base path is a directory and not a file if not os.path.isdir(self.base_path): raise NotADirectoryError( "The base path '%s' is not a directory." % key)
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[Container]: for container_name in self._get_folders(): yield self._make_container(container_name)
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return len(list(self._get_folders()))
@staticmethod def _normalize_parameters(params: Dict[str, str], normalizers: Dict[str, str]) -> Dict[str, str]: normalized = params.copy() for key, value in params.items(): normalized.pop(key) if not value: continue key_inflected = underscore(key).lower() # Only include parameters found in normalizers key_overrider = normalizers.get(key_inflected) if key_overrider: normalized[key_overrider] = value return normalized def _make_serializer(self) -> itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer: """Returns URL Safe Timed Serializer for signing payloads. :return: Serializer for dumping and loading into a URL safe string. :rtype: :class:`itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer` """ # TODO: Throw exception if secret / salt not set. return itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer( secret_key=self.secret, salt=self.salt, signer_kwargs={ 'key_derivation': 'hmac', 'digest_method': 'SHA1' }) def _make_xattr(self, filename: str): """ Make a xattr-like object depending on the current platform. :param filename: :return: """ if self.is_windows: return XattrWindows(filename) return xattr.xattr(filename) def _check_path_accessible(self, path: str) -> bool: """ Check if the path is accessible. In windows custom files are used to simulate file attributes, these must not be accessed. :param filename: :return: """ if self.is_windows: p = pathlib.Path(path) if'.') and'.xattr'): return False return True def _get_folders(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterate over first level folders found in base path. :yield: Iterable[str] :yield type: str """ for container_name in os.listdir(self.base_path): full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, container_name) if not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): continue if not os.path.isdir(full_path): continue yield container_name def _get_folder_path(self, container: Container, validate: bool = True) -> str: """Get the container's full folder path. :param container: A container instance. :type container: :class:`.Container` :param validate: If True, verify that folder exists. :type validate: bool :return: Full folder path to the container. :rtype: str :raises NotFoundError: If the container doesn't exist. """ full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, if validate and not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): raise NotFoundError(messages.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND % if validate and not os.path.isdir(full_path): raise NotFoundError(messages.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND % return full_path def _set_file_attributes(self, filename: str, attributes: Dict) -> None: """Set extended filesystem attributes to a file. Metadata is set to `user.metadata.<attr-name>` and remaining attributes are set to `user.<attr-name>`. References: * `xattr <>`_ :param filename: Filename path. :type filename: str :param attributes: Dictionary of `meta_data`, `content_<name>`, etc. :type attributes: dict :return: NoneType :rtype: None :raises CloudStorageError: If the local file system does not support extended filesystem attributes. """ xattrs = self._make_xattr(filename) for key, value in attributes.items(): if not value: continue try: if key == 'meta_data': for meta_key, meta_value in value.items(): # attr_name = self._OBJECT_META_PREFIX + 'metadata.' + \ meta_key # noqa: E126 xattrs[attr_name] = meta_value.encode('utf-8') else: # attr_name = self._OBJECT_META_PREFIX + key xattrs[attr_name] = value.encode('utf-8') except OSError: logger.warning(messages.LOCAL_NO_ATTRIBUTES) def _get_file_path(self, blob: Blob) -> str: """Get the blob's full folder path. :param blob: A blob instance. :type blob: :class:`.Blob` :return: Full folder path to the blob. :rtype: str """ return os.path.join(self.base_path,, @staticmethod def _make_path(path: str, ignore_existing: bool = True) -> None: """Create a folder. :param path: Folder path to create. :type path: str :param ignore_existing: If True, ignore existing folder. :type ignore_existing: bool :return: NoneType :rtype: None :raises CloudStorageError: If folder exists and `ignore_existing` is False. """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError: logger.debug(messages.CONTAINER_EXISTS, path) exp = sys.exc_info()[1] if exp.errno == errno.EEXIST and not ignore_existing: raise CloudStorageError(exp.strerror) def _make_container(self, folder_name: str) -> Container: """Convert a folder name to a Cloud Storage Container. :param folder_name: The folder name to convert. :type folder_name: str :return: A container instance. :rtype: :class:`.Container` :raises FileNotFoundError: If container does not exist. """ full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, folder_name) if not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): raise NotFoundError(messages.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND % folder_name) try: stat = os.stat(full_path) except FileNotFoundError: raise NotFoundError(messages.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND % folder_name) created_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime, timezone.utc) return Container(name=folder_name, driver=self, meta_data=None, created_at=created_at) def _make_blob(self, container: Container, object_name: str) -> Blob: """Convert local file name to a Cloud Storage Blob. :param container: Container instance. :type container: :class:`.Container` :param object_name: Filename. :type object_name: str :return: Blob instance. :rtype: :class:`.Blob` """ full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path,, object_name) if not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): raise NotFoundError(messages.BLOB_NOT_FOUND % (object_name, object_path = pathlib.Path(full_path) try: stat = os.stat(str(object_path)) except FileNotFoundError: raise NotFoundError(messages.BLOB_NOT_FOUND % (object_name, meta_data = {} content_type = None content_disposition = None cache_control = None try: attributes = self._make_xattr(full_path) for attr_key, attr_value in attributes.items(): value_str = None try: value_str = attr_value.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: pass if attr_key.startswith(self._OBJECT_META_PREFIX + 'metadata'): meta_key = attr_key.split('.')[-1] meta_data[meta_key] = value_str elif attr_key.endswith('content_type'): content_type = value_str elif attr_key.endswith('content_disposition'): content_disposition = value_str elif attr_key.endswith('cache_control'): cache_control = value_str else: logger.warning("Unknown file attribute '%s'", attr_key) except OSError: logger.warning(messages.LOCAL_NO_ATTRIBUTES) # TODO: QUESTION: Option to disable checksum for large files? # TODO: QUESTION: Save a .hash file for each file? file_hash = file_checksum(full_path, hash_type=self.hash_type) checksum = file_hash.hexdigest() etag = hashlib.sha1(full_path.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() created_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_ctime, timezone.utc) modified_at = datetime.fromtimestamp(stat.st_mtime, timezone.utc) return Blob(name=object_name, checksum=checksum, etag=etag, size=stat.st_size, container=container, driver=self, acl=None, meta_data=meta_data, content_disposition=content_disposition, content_type=content_type, cache_control=cache_control, created_at=created_at, modified_at=modified_at)
[docs] def validate_credentials(self) -> None: if not os.access(self.base_path, os.W_OK): raise CredentialsError( "[Errno 13] Permission denied: '{}'".format(self.base_path))
@property def regions(self) -> List[str]: return []
[docs] def create_container(self, container_name: str, acl: str = None, meta_data: MetaData = None) -> Container: if acl:, 'acl') if meta_data:, 'meta_data') full_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, container_name) if not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): raise CloudStorageError(messages.CONTAINER_NAME_INVALID) self._make_path(full_path, ignore_existing=True) try: with lock_local_file(full_path): self._make_path(full_path, ignore_existing=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise CloudStorageError(messages.CONTAINER_NAME_INVALID) return self._make_container(container_name)
[docs] def get_container(self, container_name: str) -> Container: return self._make_container(container_name)
[docs] def patch_container(self, container: Container) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete_container(self, container: Container) -> None: for _ in self.get_blobs(container): raise IsNotEmptyError(messages.CONTAINER_NOT_EMPTY % path = self._get_folder_path(container, validate=True) with lock_local_file(path): try: shutil.rmtree(path) except shutil.Error as err: raise CloudStorageError(err.strerror)
[docs] def container_cdn_url(self, container: Container) -> str: return self._get_folder_path(container)
[docs] def enable_container_cdn(self, container: Container) -> bool: logger.warning(messages.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED, 'enable_container_cdn') return False
[docs] def disable_container_cdn(self, container: Container) -> bool: logger.warning(messages.FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED, 'disable_container_cdn') return False
[docs] def upload_blob(self, container: Container, filename: FileLike, blob_name: str = None, acl: str = None, meta_data: MetaData = None, content_type: str = None, content_disposition: str = None, cache_control: str = None, chunk_size: int = 1024, extra: ExtraOptions = None) -> Blob: if acl:, 'acl') meta_data = {} if meta_data is None else meta_data extra = extra if extra is not None else {} attributes = self._normalize_parameters(extra, self._PUT_OBJECT_KEYS) attributes.setdefault('meta_data', meta_data) attributes.setdefault('content_disposition', content_disposition) attributes.setdefault('cache_control', cache_control) path = self._get_folder_path(container, validate=True) blob_name = blob_name or validate_file_or_path(filename) blob_path = os.path.join(path, blob_name) base_path = os.path.dirname(blob_path) self._make_path(base_path) with lock_local_file(blob_path): if isinstance(filename, str): shutil.copy(filename, blob_path) else: with open(blob_path, 'wb') as blob_file: for data in filename: blob_file.write(data) # Disable execute mode on file os.chmod(blob_path, int('664', 8)) if not content_type: attributes['content_type'] = file_content_type(blob_path) else: attributes['content_type'] = content_type # Set meta data and other attributes self._set_file_attributes(blob_path, attributes) return self.get_blob(container, blob_name)
[docs] def get_blob(self, container: Container, blob_name: str) -> Blob: return self._make_blob(container, blob_name)
[docs] def get_blobs(self, container: Container) -> Iterable[Blob]: container_path = self._get_folder_path(container, validate=True) for folder, sub_folders, files in os.walk(container_path, topdown=True): # Remove unwanted sub-folders for sub_folder in IGNORE_FOLDERS: if sub_folder in sub_folders: sub_folders.remove(sub_folder) for name in files: full_path = os.path.join(folder, name) if not self._check_path_accessible(full_path): continue object_name = pathlib.Path(full_path).name yield self._make_blob(container, object_name)
[docs] def download_blob(self, blob: Blob, destination: FileLike) -> None: blob_path = self._get_file_path(blob) if isinstance(destination, str): base_name = os.path.basename(destination) if not base_name and not os.path.exists(destination): raise CloudStorageError('Path %s does not exist.' % destination) if not base_name: file_path = os.path.join(destination, else: file_path = destination shutil.copy(blob_path, file_path) else: with open(blob_path, 'rb') as blob_file: for data in read_in_chunks(blob_file): destination.write(data)
[docs] def patch_blob(self, blob: Blob) -> None: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete_blob(self, blob: Blob) -> None: path = self._get_file_path(blob) with lock_local_file(path): try: os.unlink(path) except OSError as err: logger.exception(err) if self.is_windows: xattr = XattrWindows(path) xattr.remove_attributes()
[docs] def blob_cdn_url(self, blob: Blob) -> str: return os.path.join(self.base_path,,
[docs] def generate_container_upload_url(self, container: Container, blob_name: str, expires: int = 3600, acl: str = None, meta_data: MetaData = None, content_disposition: str = None, content_length: ContentLength = None, content_type: str = None, cache_control: str = None, extra: ExtraOptions = None) -> FormPost: meta_data = meta_data if meta_data is not None else {} extra = extra if extra is not None else {} expiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expires) expires_at = expiration.timestamp() fields = { 'blob_name': blob_name, 'container':, 'expires': expires_at, } payload = { 'acl': acl, 'meta_data': meta_data, 'content_disposition': content_disposition, 'content_length': content_length, 'content_type': content_type, 'cache_control': cache_control, 'max_age': int(expires), } payload.update(**fields) payload.update(**extra) serializer = self._make_serializer() token = serializer.dumps(payload) fields['signature'] = token return {'url': '', 'fields': fields}
[docs] def generate_blob_download_url(self, blob: Blob, expires: int = 3600, method: str = 'GET', content_disposition: str = None, extra: ExtraOptions = None) -> str: extra = extra if extra is not None else {} serializer = self._make_serializer() expiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=expires) expires_at = expiration.timestamp() payload = { 'max_age': int(expires), 'expires': expires_at, 'blob_name':, 'container':, 'method': method, 'content_disposition': content_disposition, } payload.update(**extra) signature = serializer.dumps(payload) return str(signature)
[docs] def validate_signature(self, signature): """Validate signed signature and return payload if valid. :param signature: Signature. :type signature: str :return: Deserialized signature payload. :rtype: dict :raises SignatureExpiredError: If the signature has expired. """ serializer = self._make_serializer() payload = serializer.loads(signature, max_age=None) max_age = payload.get('max_age', 0) # try: return serializer.loads(signature, max_age=max_age) except itsdangerous.SignatureExpired: raise SignatureExpiredError
_OBJECT_META_PREFIX = 'user.' _PUT_OBJECT_KEYS = { 'metadata': 'meta_data', }
class XattrWindows: """ Simulate xattr on windows. A file named ".<filename>.xattr" will be created on the same directory as the source file. """ def __init__(self, filename) -> None: self.filename = filename p = pathlib.Path(filename) self.xattr_filename = os.path.join(p.parent, '.{}.xattr'.format( def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: """ Write an attribute to the json file. """ data = self._load() data[key] = value with open(self.xattr_filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(data, outfile) def items(self): """ Return a list of the attributes. :return: """ # xattr returns items as bytes, must convert all str first items = self._load() ret = {} for itemname, itemvalue in items.items(): if isinstance(itemvalue, str): ret[itemname] = itemvalue.encode('utf-8') else: ret[itemname] = itemvalue return ret.items() def _load(self) -> Dict: """ Load json file if it exists :return: """ if os.path.exists(self.xattr_filename): with open(self.xattr_filename) as json_file: return json.load(json_file) return {} def remove_attributes(self): if os.path.exists(self.xattr_filename): with lock_local_file(self.xattr_filename): try: os.unlink(self.xattr_filename) except OSError as err: logger.exception(err)